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Kids' & Teen College - Teen College (11 to 14)

Teens crave fun too! At CSM, we blend enjoyment with growth. Dive into arts like painting, music, and theater, or explore STEM with coding, robotics, and app creation. Even subjects like biology and algebra get an exciting twist. Led by our esteemed CSM faculty, our courses offer comprehensive and engaging experiences, available both in-person and online, empowering teens to pursue their passions. Register for before or after care (7-9 a.m. and 4-6 p.m.) if your child's day extends beyond class hours.

An interactive schedule-at-a-glance is available. Explore the following sub-categories or the left menu for the latest offerings. Check back regularly for new additions tailored to your interests. Start browsing now and don't miss out!

Arts and Activities
Arts and Activities
Computers and Gaming
Computers and Gaming
Cooking and Baking
Cooking and Baking
Language Arts
Language Arts
Music, Theater, and Dance
Music, Theater, and Dance
Personal Development, Studying, Tutoring
Personal Development
Science and Math: STEM
Science and Math: STEM




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