Kids' & Teen College Rules of the Road
Important Parent Information
Frequently Asked Questions
When creating a student profile, please remember the following:- Each child must have their own student profile
- Parents, please use the child's name and birthdate for the student profile, not yours.
- Use the parent's email and phone number. This ensures that if we need to contact you, we have an email/phone number that is regularly checked.
What do I do if I need to update the student profile?
You may review the information on your student profile at any time. After signing in, access the 'My Profile' link to review the information currently on file. If any details need to be updated, please complete the CSM Demographic Change Form.
I attempted to register my child for a class with an age restriction of 10-12 years old, but the system would not allow me to proceed, due to the age restriction. How can I successfully register my child for the class despite the age restrictions?
We understand that factors such as age, grade, or birthdate can influence the appropriate class placement for your child. If you believe your child should be enrolled in a specific class despite not meeting the age group specified for the course, whether they are deemed too young or too old, please don't hesitate to contact Dr. Tony Warrick, Director of Community Enrichment, by email at
Do you provide lunch?
We do not provide lunch for students. We recommend that students bring their own lunch in a soft cooler bag or brown paper bag. Limited access to microwaves is available for heating up food during lunchtime.
Are the lunch periods supervised?
Our lunch periods are supervised for students taking all-day or morning + afternoon classes. Students taking ONLY a morning or afternoon class are not eligible for supervision during lunch.
Who are the instructors, and what are their qualifications?
Our Youth Programs Instructors consist of a highly qualified cadre of College of Southern Maryland faculty and staff, certified public or private school teachers, and practitioners in their respective fields. Each instructor has undergone extensive background checks to ensure the safety and security of our students.
How will I know if my class is canceled?
We send important messages, including schedule changes and cancellations, via email.
Do you offer transportation?
We do not provide transportation services.
What should I do if accessibility or disability support services are needed for a student?
Individuals with disabilities who require special accommodations in order to participate in the college’s instructional programs can visit the Disability Support Services page or contact the office at 301-539-4720 or at least one month before the class begins. Requests made after this deadline will be considered on an individual basis and addressed whenever possible.
Standards of Conduct
The College of Southern Maryland has established rules to ensure the safety of students, instructors, volunteers, staff, and third-party entities participating in programs associated with Kids' & Teen College. It is expected that all participants adhere to the following rules at all times. Violations of these rules will be addressed in accordance with the College of Southern Maryland's policies and regulations. Please note that if a student is dismissed from any program associated with Kids' & Teen College due to behavioral reasons, a refund will not be issued.
If the student enrolling in a Kids’ & Teen College course requires medication while on campus, prescribed or over-the-counter, it is mandatory to submit a signed Medication Consent Form.
This form must be completed by the child's physician and filed with the Kids' & Teen College Office Staff
You may review the information on your student profile at any time. After signing in, access the 'My Profile' link to review the information currently on file. If any details need to be updated, please complete the CSM Demographic Change Form.
Virtual Programs
- Only communicate with participants through official program platforms.
- Respect one another by keeping conversations and interactions focused on the program goals and objectives.
- Do not use foul language while attending class. Profanity will not be tolerated. Hazing and cyber-bullying are prohibited.
- Do not share personal information online such as email address, street address, phone number, or date of birth. Also, do not share links, passwords, or social media accounts.
- Do not record, or take screenshots or images, unless directed to do so for program purposes.
- Do not use course content, contacts, images, or video for personal use outside the scope of the program.
- Dress appropriately when on video.
Work with the staff and instructors to resolve issues that may arise including inappropriate behavior by participants or staff.
Face-to-Face Programs
- Respect one another and obey the program staff (instructors, counselors, and coordinators) at all times.
- Keep your hands to yourself. Fighting, shoving, slapping, or any inappropriate touching will not be tolerated.
- Remain with the group (i.e. other students, counselor, and instructor) at all times unless picked up by a parent/legal guardian.
- Remain quiet while walking through the hallways, as there will be other classes, meetings, and office work going on at the same time class is scheduled.
- Respect college grounds and property by keeping them litter and graffiti free.
- Do not use foul language while attending our classes. Profanity will not be tolerated. Harassment will not be tolerated.
- Do not bring gum to class. You will be asked to dispose of it properly.
- Being under the influence of alcohol or drugs is not allowed.
- Do not consume food or drinks in the computer labs and theaters.
CSM staff recognizes that older students carry cell phones to easily communicate with parents, but these devices are not permitted during class hours. Should a student need to bring a cell phone, the device should be closed away in a backpack and only used during arrival/dismissal time. Students not adhering to this policy will have the devices removed during class. Parents must retrieve the confiscated phones from CSM staff at the end of the day.
Tablet devices, computers, music devices, and gaming devices are not permitted in class. CSM is not responsible for lost, damaged or stolen devices.
- A photo ID check will be conducted for every parent during pick-up. Please bring your ID with you; there are no exceptions.
- For the safety of our students and faculty, no guests, including parents, guardians, siblings, etc., are allowed in the classroom during class unless they are enrollees.
To ensure the safety and well-being of staff and students the following policy will be enforced:
Minor Infractions (i.e.: being disruptive behavior; refusal to follow a instructions; inappropriate tone/attitude or language; etc.)
- 1st offense: Student will receive a verbal reminder of standard behavior.
- 2nd offense: The student will be taken to the coordinator's office to develop a behavior plan; parents will be contacted for plan review.
- 3rd offense: Program Manager will remove the student from the program without a refund.
Major Infractions (i.e.: stealing, property damage, bullying, discriminatory and aggressive language/threats, fighting or physical contact, cyberbullying, recording or sharing personal information etc.)
- 1st offense: The student will be taken to the coordinator's office to discuss behavior and develop a behavior plan; parents will be contacted for plan review.
- 2nd offense: Program Manager will remove the student from the program without refund.